General information and advice on submissions
Our process is based on hand selection. Artists are invited by our curatorial team to exhibit with us. We do, however, consider submissions from artists outside of this and are open to working with those who we believe will fit with the themes and general vision of the gallery.
There are no solid rules for what we look for. There are, however, factors that the artist must consider before approaching a gallery, whether our gallery or another.
The most important thing is that the work is in sync with the kind of work we exhibit in the gallery. Like artists, galleries also have a style and aesthetic. This takes a little research from the artist to understand as much as they can about the gallery they are approaching. If you believe your work will fit, then an accompanying note about why will always help.
What we look for
Artists with a demonstrable body of work that is easily accessible online via an up-to-date website and/or an active social media presence.

Whilst a strong exhibition history, gallery representation and cv helps, it is not essential. We are always willing to work with emerging artists who demonstrate professionalism and a vision that aligns with ours. We do not care about - or factor in - academic qualifications. It is all about the work and the style, vision and professionalism of the artist.
Representation is different to exhibiting with us. Our representation procedure is solely for artists with whom we have built a relationship through frequent exhibitions or other factors.
Our gallery leans towards but is not exclusive to:
* Work on paper. Printmaking, in particular.
* Artists working in Mexico and New Mexico
* Ceramic sculpture
* Wearable jewelry that explores non-traditional materials
* Artists exploring the intersection of innovation and tradition
It’s important to note that if your work does not fit with our gallery, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be right for another. Be yourself, create in your way. Don’t compromise or try to fit in. Creative integrity is the best and most sustainable path.
Our submissions procedure
Considering all of the above factors, please contact us via our email submissions [at] hechoamano [dot] org
Please include the following information:
A short introduction
A paragraph about your work/style/inspiration
Why you believe your work will fit with the Gallery
Links to your website
Social media links
CV / Resume / Exhibition History
Bring work into the Gallery
Ask Gallery staff to look at work on your phone
Send info and images via social media
We are always happy to talk and advise artists on their work. Please note, however, that we are unable to respond or give feedback to every submission. If we like your work, someone will be in contact.